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Showing posts from August, 2020

15th August

 I just came accross a writing on Facebook by one of my friends titled 'Independence now".  Independence now and Independence then... I have very less knowledge to talk about these. All I have fathomed till this age is like every perception, every beauty, every ugliness, independence is personal.  You and I have our different individual independent ideas of independence. And we all have our struggles to aquire it.  So if we are independent today, in our own way, let's celebrate it. Independence is an everyday celebration and what is a better time to realize this than today, when we are locked and are longing for freedom the most? Happy Individual Independence Day to you and me and all of us. Let this independence never slip off ... 
I often find myself at an edge, I exactly don’t know of what. It could be of a far off cliff, could be of a mountain, could be of a terrace, I can’t imagine the entire picture, I see the edge, just the edge.And I see a girl on it, with every confidence, I assure my mind that it’s me. The edge can make me fall any time, with one wrong step. Make me fall where? I don’t know, again because I can’t imagine.  Sometimes the edge feels like the shore of a nearby waterway, because that is the only possible image comes to me.  But sometimes the edge feels like a broken nightmare or a daydream, as if somebody has woken me up suddenly, I gain my consciousness out of nowhere and then I’m with people I don’t want to be with...I panic, I don’t know what’s next.  And this, scares me.


Waiting for that one miracle to happen is never easy. You have rambles of thoughts, some pleasant, some unpleasant, you have the thoughts battling between themselves, you have you not wanting to but yet fighting with the thoughts. Words become just sounds, some pleasant, some unpleasant. They don't resonate, you try to listen to them carefully, consciously, but all in vain.  You try to understand whys of everything, you try to calm yourself down, and restart them. Then again the words disturb you. Words which are just sounds to you. Loud sounds, and louder in the head.  When would the one miracle happen? That is the hope, the only hope. You count days without knowing how many to count.  But miracles do happen. From finding someone you know in a far away city, making great friends in the most unexpected places to getting discounts in your favorite books or things. I have always believed in miracles.